Monday, May 7, 2007

No One Achieves Greatness Alone

Take a look at all of your fighting idols, each one of them has a team of trainers, role models and idols that they respect and look up to on there team pushing them to be there very best. We are a direct reflection of our idols, peer group or team. If your fight team is filled with unfocused, unsupportive people with negative attitudes that do not give you the discipline or support you need, you will unconsciously take on the same attitude and get no where in your fight career. You will not believe in yourself, be motivated to train and will not become the best you can be inside and outside of the ring.

Choosing your idols, role models and fight team members should be taken seriously. We take on the attitudes of those we look up to, respect and interact with. Choose your fight team wisely in regards to everyone on your team being positive and supportive so that you can achieve your goal. Each member should push you to your limits that you thought you could never rise to because they give you strength and encouragement when you feel like giving up and you feel that you can not go any further.

“If you can tell me who your hero's are I can tell you how you're going to turn out in life” Warren Buffett

This quote hit the nail right on the head, we take on the attitudes and beliefs of our peers and hero’s. That is why it is important to have focused, positive and supportive people around us and to rid ourselves of anyone who brings us down. That is how to achieve and obtain a high level of success in our fight careers and in life in general. Champions are made up by a team/group who contribute their knowledge and effort for the attainment of a definite goal or purpose “ THE TITLE BELT” It’s important and essential that your team is this way for you to be a champion. Choose to associate with people who share common goals and have a strong desire to contribute to the overall effort.

Trail and error is part of the process. Sort out what strengths and weakness’ you have when it comes to your fight game, look for individuals to help you eliminate your weakness’. Sort out each team member’s strength’s and weakness’ and in fine tuning your plans each team member should have a specific purpose or responsibility to make you a better fighter and bring out the best in you and your abilities in the ring and outside of it.


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