Variety Is The Spice For Mixed Martial Art Life
Variety in your exercise routine will give you greater and quicker gains in your mixed martial arts game. Try changing your routine every 5-6 weeks so your muscles do not become accustomed to what you are doing. You can also change your abdominal routine everyday of the week, giving a rest period on the 7th day then restart your routine (don't just do the same exercise day in and out) Keep in mind you can also mix up your exercise routine with different elements all at once such as weight training then do some cardio such as running, back to strength by doing some isometric exercises then immediately go to the mat and grapple with an opponent. By changing things up you use different parts of the muscle group plus you push yourself much further than sticking to the same old routine. You will find your endurance and strength will increase twofold, improving your mixed martial arts game greatly turning you into an ultimate fighter.
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